The train is approaching the station…ANE is only a few months away! As you know, this is a rather big year for our convention; it’s our first year in the Seaport and also our first year expanding beyond one hotel – both are big milestones and we’re all so grateful for your support throughout the year.
Search Results "Hotel"
IN SUMMARY. Anthro New England is dedicated to ensuring that individuals with disabilities and assistive devices are able to enjoy…
The whole ANE crew is battening down the hatches and getting ready for the biggest furry convention Boston has ever…
Hello attendees and friends of ANE! The ANE 2023 train successfully reached its final destination, and our staffers have been…
FURSUIT PHOTO & PARADE. The annual Fursuit Photo & Parade are back once again for ANE 2025! SUMMARY. Date: Saturday,…
PHOTOS, GET YOUR PHOTOS! Our Photography team works hard the entire weekend – so you get to walk away with…
FILL THE CON SPACE WITH MUSIC! Jam Zones are areas around the convention hotel, marked off with yellow tape and…
THE ATTENDEE’S GUIDE TO ANE. Every furry convention has to have a conbook, it’s small, full of useful info, the…
This year has been amazing so far, with preparations for the convention well underway. We’re so excited to get the ball rolling on registration and hotel rooms, both of which will be happening this month — in fact, as you may have seen us announce on social media, registration opens today at noon EDT!
ANE 2026: IT’S A WESTERN! Thank you for joining us for A Staggering Case – we’re so happy to have…